The Expiration Date
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Worship Song: Unfinished Task Meditation: The products for consumption are labelled with an expiration date, and we should pay keen attention to these dates before making final purchases. It is best to avoid purchasing food after the date posted on the label. By doing so, we can safeguard ourselves against food poisoning and foodborne bacteria. Apart from the products that we consume, everything else has a shelf life, including appliances, but how long they last depends on the type of appliance and how well it is maintained. Humans also have expiration dates. However, the difference between us and manmade products is that our expiration dates are unknown. We cannot tell when our time will end. Each of us is allotted a different expiration date, and it cannot be altered by man. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Nothing or no one lasts forever; everything has a time limit, an expiration date that will eventually end. ...