In What Do We Boast?
Good morning Scripture reading: Psalm 49 Worship song: I will boast in Christ Meditation: It is customary for humans to boast about their accomplishments, their successes, and their possessions. Being successful or being blessed with amazing talent and abilities are not bad things, but we so often seek these things above pursuing a relationship with God. The material things we possess and the things we accomplish are nothing compared to knowing and living for God. We can gain the world and be the most successful person, but that cannot compare to having a close connection to God. Solomon was wise and rich, yet he concluded that what he acknowledged was vanity and vexation of spirit. The more we strive to obtain and accomplish the things of the world, the less we seek after God. Matthew 6:33, Jesus implores us to seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and other things will be granted unto us. Solomon had a desire to serve ...