The Blame Game
Good morning Scripture reading: 2 Peter 3 Worship song: The Lord Will Fix It Meditation: If the question is asked regarding who is to be blamed for the state of criminal activities and the evil that plagues the world, I am sure we will get mixed responses. Some would cast blame on the parent's upbringing; others would blame the schools, the media, the church, the members of the security force, the fulfilment of Bible prophecy, and the list goes on. However, the blame game cannot change the fact that the damage is already done, but the evil spell can be broken if we turn to Jesus Christ and surrender all to Him. I stand by the words written in 2 Chronicles 7:14, and I still believe that God is waiting for us to turn to him so he can heal our land. St. Matthew 7:7-8 reminds us to ask, and we will receive, seek and we will find, knock, and it shall be opened unto us. Our answer to our problems lies in prayer, fasting, repentance, and the power of Almighty God. There is ...