Stand Your Ground
Good morning Scripture reading: Ephesians 6 Worship song: Stand Meditation: As a believer, you will never be free from the attacks of the enemy. Not in this life, anyway. The devil will always try to keep you in a place of fear because you are a believer. If the devil can gain access by persuading you to focus your thoughts on the bad that is going on around you, then he can strike fear in your heart. You will begin to doubt God’s word and His ability to keep His promises. If the devil gets you over in the arena of fear, doubt, and mistrust, it is over. Don’t let that happen. Instead of allowing the devil to get a grip on you, stand your ground, knowing who you are in Christ Jesus and that God is always on your side. You don’t have to fall victim and give in to fear when the devil tries to stop you because God has given you a word of victory. When the enemy attacks you, don’t become fearful; just stand in faith. Don’t cower and run away; resist...