The Greatest Sacrifice
Scripture reading: Hebrews 9:19-28 Worship song: I Give You My Heart Meditation: What are you willing to sacrifice? We often hear that we should give our best offering—in other words, give our best monetary sacrifice. Does giving our best offering guarantee us a place in God's kingdom? Is monetary sacrifice our best and only offering? We look forward to the opportunity to sow seeds and bless ministries, but we should be mindful that while giving, Jesus expects us to sow into the Kingdom of God by surrendering our lives to Him. The greatest sacrifice we can offer to God is our life as a living sacrifice. We must first seek to offer our lives and surrender all to follow Jesus Christ. Giving a huge sum does not guarantee one a place in the Kingdom of God. It is only by committing our lives to God that we are saved and that we will receive the gift of eternal life. Over two thousand years ago, the greatest sacrifice that took place was made by Jesus Christ when ...