Follow Me
Good morning Scripture reading: Luke 9:23-27 Worship song: Let Me Lose Myself Meditation: If we decide to be Jesus's disciples, to be his followers, we must commit ourselves to and be completely dedicated to following his teachings and his way of life. Denying oneself is essential in the life of every follower of Jesus Christ. We must decrease so God can take precedence over us. His will is first and foremost in every circumstance, especially when hardship and tribulations arise. Denying ourselves to follow Christ means we have to denounce our desires, the glamour, and the glitter of this world that entice us and pledge allegiance to Him. Denying oneself for Christ is to give up your wants to receive his. It means surrendering the natural man, your carnal ways, by crucifying your fleshly desires and bringing them under God's subjection. When we daily deny self and crucify the flesh, we grow stronger, our faith is strengthened, and we will become more...