Go And Do Likewise
Good morning Scripture: St. Luke 10:25-37 Worship song: Someone to Care Meditation: There are many priests and Levites among us, but we also have some good Samaritans. We all deal with our own issues that can leave us feeling downcast at times, and it is tempting to look the other way when we see someone else who is hurting. It might be tempting to walk on the other side and keep going, but we cannot say we love God if we refuse or fail to render assistance or show mercy to those in need. If we say we love God and hate or disregard the needs of our brothers and sisters, we are perceived as liars. We cannot say we love God whom we cannot see and hate or mistreat those we encounter. The love we display towards others reveals our love for God. Jesus says, anything you do for the least of my people, who have done it unto me. Our love for God and man is best expressed in showing mercy to people in need. Take time to show you care. Let us pray: ...