Faith without works
Good day Scripture reading: St. Luke 5:17-26 Song: His eye is on the sparrow Meditation: The men who brought the sick of the plague to see Jesus in Capernaum while he was preaching and healing the sick was an example of faith implemented through works. Their faith led them to carry an immobile, palsy-sick man lying on his bed to seek healing for his condition. When they arrived at Capernaum and realized that the crowd was too thick for them to gain entrance, they went on the roof, removed a section of it, and then lowered the bed with the sick man on it in the presence of Jesus. They were determined to receive healing for their brethren no matter the cost. Their faith caught Jesus's attention, and he turned away from what he was doing and attended to their needs. Jesus first forgave the sick man of all his sins before commanding him to take up his bed and walk. The man immediately rose from the bed, took up his bed, and walked away rejoicing. His faith had made him w...