
Showing posts from December 28, 2024


Attitude of Gratitude

Good morning Scripture reading: Psalm 100 Worship song: Gratitude   Meditation: People tend to complain about everything that is not going according to their desires and plans. Those who are abundantly blessed are often the ones who spend time complaining and expressing their dissatisfaction. Yet some are struggling with hardship but show appreciation by giving thanks and rejoicing in their circumstance. Some complain and find fault with everything they receive, yet some wish they had even the crumbs that fell from your table. Throughout the scriptures, especially in the book of Psalms, we are reminded to give thanks with a grateful heart. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Consider what you have rather than what you lack. There is so much to be grateful for, yet some spend time showing their lack of appreciation.       You might not have a home, a car, wealth and good health, or riches untold, but yo...