Redeemed From Sin
Good morning Scripture reading: Ephesians 1:2-7 Worship song: Redeemed Meditation: The Heavenly Father's unlimited love for mankind extends beyond what we can even think or imagine. Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom and love for us, considered it necessary for mankind to be redeemed through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the spotless lamb of God who had no iniquity, corruption, or sin. The blood of Jesus Christ is more precious than silver and gold and has the power to redeem and cleanse us from all our sins and liberate us from Satan's bondage. Those who accept Jesus Christ are redeemed by His blood, their transgression forgiven, and their sins covered. As sinners, we are condemned to die, but those who are in Jesus Christ will escape the punishment and the wrath of God. The redeeming blood of Jesus Christ saves, sanctifies, purifies, cleanses, satisfies, and sets us free. His grace and mercies are extended to the vilest of sinners who...