Dining With The King
Good morning Scripture: St. John 21: 1-13 Praise song: What a Lovely Name Meditation: The story of Jesus inviting the disciples to come and dine reminded me of times as kids when we would be outside playing, and Mother would interrupt our fun time by calling us to come inside, and dinner was ready. While the disciples were busy fishing, Jesus was preparing roast fish and bread for breakfast. The disciples were invited by Jesus to come and dine with Him shortly after he had suggested that they cast their net on the other side. To come and dine with the master implies that it was an invitation to sit at the same table, sharing the same meal. Come and dine is a time to fellowship with Jesus. Today, there is an open invitation for you to come and dine with Jesus Christ at the table where the saints of God are fed. If you have labored all your life and all that you have reaped is failure, heartaches, and disappointments, it is time for you to seek Je...