Dining With The King
Good morning
Scripture: St. John 21: 1-13
Praise song: What a Lovely Name
The story of Jesus inviting the disciples to come and dine
reminded me of times as kids when we would be outside playing, and Mother would
interrupt our fun time by calling us to come inside, and dinner was ready.
While the disciples were busy fishing, Jesus was preparing roast fish and bread
for breakfast. The disciples were invited by Jesus to come and dine with Him
shortly after he had suggested that they cast their net on the other side. To
come and dine with the master implies that it was an invitation to sit at the
same table, sharing the same meal. Come and dine is a time to fellowship with
Jesus. Today, there is an open invitation for you to come and dine with Jesus
Christ at the table where the saints of God are fed. If you have labored all
your life and all that you have reaped is failure, heartaches, and
disappointments, it is time for you to seek Jesus Christ. Come and dine at the
master table, and your life will never be the same.
Let's pray:
My master and savior, Jesus Christ, you are the bread of
life; bid us, Lord, to come and dine with you. Lord, lead us to the banquet
table where the saints of God are fed. Almighty God, we hunger and thirst for
the bread of life, so fill us, O Lord, until we want no more. Almighty God,
after we have toiled without any success when we fail at all, we have tried,
when the reality of bad decisions plagues us, to bid us, Lord, to feast at your
table. Heavenly Father, whenever we become too focused on our failures and loss
of dreams, remind us that you came so we can dine and fellowship with you.
Abba, Father, whenever we are overwhelmed with the feelings of our failures
when we try everything, and everything fails as you did for the fishermen, do
it for us, O God, and then bid us to the banquet table already prepared. Heal
our broken hearts, O God, and restore unto us joy and peace, which only you can
give. Lord, may we learn to trust You completely in every aspect of our lives,
exercising our faith in You, your plans, and Your will for our lives in the
name of Jesus Christ, the bread of life. Amen.
Have a peaceful day. Be safe. 🙏🙏
It is a great feeling to be invited to a wedding, dinner, feast, celebration and other events of food and fun, but to be invited by The master,
ReplyDeleteNone greater because there is always a lesson to learn that will impacts one for life. Let us ask Him to abide with us as we walk with Him. Plenty blessings to you my dear writer.