
Showing posts from January 18, 2025


That Little Fox

Good Morning Scripture reading: Song of Solomon 2:15 Worship song: Here's My Heart Lord   Meditation:      King Solomon warns us to catch the little foxes before they ruin the vines that have tender grapes. Little foxes are destructive to the vines because they attack the roots and stems, which are the lifeline of the plant. The little foxes are the sins that burrow into our lives that we refuse to shun. They are the works of the flesh that war against the fruit of the spirit. The little foxes are the seemingly insignificant things that we disregard, the deception and lies that we accept that appear harmless yet have the potential to wreak havoc on our spiritual lives.       When we constantly disregard these habitual sins, they lead to major sins, which will eventually ruin our character and spiritual growth. A little spark kindled a fire; likewise, little willful sin defiles the conscience, so beware of the little foxes lurking in your vin...