That Little Fox
Good Morning
Scripture reading: Song of Solomon 2:15
Worship song: Here's My Heart Lord
King Solomon warns us to catch the little foxes before they ruin the vines that have tender grapes. Little foxes are destructive to the vines because they attack the roots and stems, which are the lifeline of the plant. The little foxes are the sins that burrow into our lives that we refuse to shun. They are the works of the flesh that war against the fruit of the spirit. The little foxes are the seemingly insignificant things that we disregard, the deception and lies that we accept that appear harmless yet have the potential to wreak havoc on our spiritual lives.
When we constantly disregard these habitual sins, they lead to major sins, which will eventually ruin our character and spiritual growth. A little spark kindled a fire; likewise, little willful sin defiles the conscience, so beware of the little foxes lurking in your vineyard (heart), for they are hindrances to your spiritual connection with the Holy Spirit. These little foxes, if left unnoticed, will destroy your ability to produce spiritual fruits and prevent you from hearkening to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Guard your heart and do not disregard the little sins because they can cause damage to your personal growth and relationship with God over time.
What are the little foxes that creep in your vineyard? Are
you chasing or feeding these foxes?
Let us pray:
Jehovah God, you are worthy to receive glory, honour, and
praise. Almighty God, examine my heart this day and reveal the hidden sins that
burrow their way into the secret chambers of my heart. Lord, I confess sins
known and unknown and beseech you to remove far from me the desire to walk in
the flesh. I surrender my heart, mind, body, and soul to you, O God, and ask
that you purify me of any and every hidden sin that will hinder spiritual
growth and commitment to serving you. Lord, I bind the work of the flesh in my
life and lose the fruit of the spirit to enrich and empower me for your glory.
Almighty God, I entreat you to help me ward off the little foxes that creep
into my heart, the sin that so easily besets me. Father, grant me dominion
power over the work of the flesh, leave no room for sin to manifest in my
heart, and reign in my mortal body to make me obey its passion. Lord, I need
more of you and less of me in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a great day. ✌💕🙏
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