
Showing posts from November 1, 2024


God's Covenant with Human

Good morning Scripture reading: Genesis 9: 8-17 Worship song: Covenant Keeping God   Meditation:      Sin among men was so prevalent and blatant that God decided to wipe out the entire nation. But, although His wrath was kindled because of man's rebellion, and though He regretted making man, he didn't destroy them all because one man makes a difference. Noah and his family escaped the wrath of God because his lifestyle was pleasing to God. Therefore, after the flood, which wiped out the entire nation, God established a covenant with Noah. The covenant God made with Noah affirms His commitment to creation. God's covenant is a demonstration of His love for his creation uttered through His spoken words as a promise never again to destroy all living creatures from the face of the earth by the waters of a flood. God's covenant didn't stop there because He further established a covenant with Abraham to multiply his seed as the sand of the sea. God also made many...