
God's Covenant with Human

Good morning

Scripture reading: Genesis 9: 8-17

Worship song: Covenant Keeping God



    Sin among men was so prevalent and blatant that God decided to wipe out the entire nation. But, although His wrath was kindled because of man's rebellion, and though He regretted making man, he didn't destroy them all because one man makes a difference. Noah and his family escaped the wrath of God because his lifestyle was pleasing to God. Therefore, after the flood, which wiped out the entire nation, God established a covenant with Noah. The covenant God made with Noah affirms His commitment to creation. God's covenant is a demonstration of His love for his creation uttered through His spoken words as a promise never again to destroy all living creatures from the face of the earth by the waters of a flood. God's covenant didn't stop there because He further established a covenant with Abraham to multiply his seed as the sand of the sea. God also made many other covenants with other patriarchs. All the covenant God established is to benefit mankind and redeem them to Himself. The most substantial agreement today is the new covenant God made with Jesus Christ to redeem mankind to Himself and pay the liability for the punishment of sin. Human rebellion threatens to jeopardize God's ultimate objective, but God, through His love for mankind and infinite wisdom, established a way for us to escape death to sin and live eternally.

Let us pray:

    My faithful covenant-keeping God, God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Isaiah, I worship and adore you, for you are great and greatly to be praised. Almighty God, your love for us speaks volumes; how can we refuse such great love? We recognized your limitless love, Lord God, and so we give you thanks for revealing unto us how much you love us. We are grateful, Almighty God, for the covenant you have established and the promises you have kept. Father, though we have been rebellious and have been corrupted by our sinful nature, yet, mighty God, you continue to implore us backsliding nation to return to you. Father, we are grateful that you have kept your promise to redeem and deliver us from the path of destruction. Almighty God, we are grateful to you for your love, compassion, grace, and mercy. We give you thanks, O Lord, for bringing us to a place of sweet peace, a place where our soul is watered, revived, and renewed through your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Shalom. 💗🙏






  1. One of the thing about God.
    He never go back on His covenant regardless of human behavior. However though, one will not escape the consequences for their disobedience. We must acknowledge His promises to us and remain faithful because He cannot lie and is faithful to His promises.
    If we could only keep our promises to the Lord, to one another how beautiful life would be. Let us perfect our lives through a better relationship with the Lord.
    Have a great day.


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