
Showing posts from September 26, 2024


Walking in The Word

Good morning S cripture reading: Colossians 3:12-17 Worship song: Thy Word   Meditation:      One major factor that negatively impacts our lives as children of God is knowing what the word of God says but failing to apply it to our lives. Just knowing the word of God is not enough if we continue to walk as blind. The word we hear and know must be applied, and the way we apply it is by walking according to the will of God through his prophetic word. We know the word and we understand what it says, yet we seek after things that do not align with the will of God. We know what the word says, but we desire things that satisfy the flesh instead of the spirit. When we allow the word of God to sanctify and convict us, God will transform our hearts and minds in obedience to his will. James 1 says we must be doers of the word and not hearers only, lest we deceive ourselves. He further stated that those who continue to live by the word will be blessed in their deeds. Le...