
Showing posts from September 19, 2024


Why Struggle When Help Is Available

Good morning Scripture: Isaiah 41:9-13 Worship song: The Struggle Is Over   Meditation:      Whenever we met to socialize, my sister would jokingly utter, 'Why struggle when help is here?' which would often be followed by an uproar of chuckles. As I sat and pondered her words, I thought of the things we struggle to accomplish or cope with every day. Many of us are facing challenges that are stressful and overwhelming, yet we try to handle them on our own without seeking help. Whatever struggles we are encountering, whether financially, mentally, physically, spiritually, or emotionally, help is always available. God tells us that we will face trials but that we should not lose hope, for He is with us. You might not realize it, but our greatest helper is Almighty God. All of our help comes from the Lord. God is saying to us, come unto me all that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take your worries, your anxiety, your sins, your problems, yo...