Clean outside, messy inside
Scripture reading: St. Matthew 23:23-28 Worship song: Holy Are You Lord Meditation: Jesus, while speaking to the multitude, used the lifestyle of the Scribes and Pharisees as an illustration to bring across His message with clarity. The Scribes and Pharisees appeared righteous to men, but inwardly they were filled with iniquities and uncleanness. They were more concerned about religion and obeying the rules and laws of man than living a righteous life, rather than ensuring that their hearts were clean. The life some of us unveil is similar to that of the Scribes and Pharisees. Our outward appearance attracts and looks appealing to the eyes of our onlookers, but what will they see when they gaze at the inside? As a people, we are drawn to the outward beauty, beguiled by our natural inception and the lust of the eyes. Can we not see that the beauty without should also be within? We often select, hire, marry, and cling to people based on external image but miss the much more...