
Showing posts from October 2, 2024


Head of the household

Good morning Scripture reading: Ephesians 5 Praise song: Power of prayer   Meditation:      The role of women has changed significantly over time. Women who were once considered housewives are now taking on more responsibilities than usual because too often men failed to commit to their role as the head of the household. You might be wondering if men are still the head of the household. Yes, they are. Whether or not they are carrying out their function does not change the fact that God has appointed men as head of their household. Whether a man is saved or unsaved, lazy or diligent, responsible or irresponsible, their role as the head of their household cannot be changed because it is not man who established it; it was ordained by God.       The head of a household is responsible before God for the well-being and provision of his household. It is still the sole duty of husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church, maintain the...