Outward Appearance
Good morning Scripture reading: 1 Samuels 16:1-13 Praise song: O Lift Your Countenance Meditation: The English idiom 'Never Judge a Book by Its Cover' implies that one should not make a final judgment on anything based only on outward appearance. The story narrated in the above scripture gives a clear insight into what it means to judge by outer appearance. The prophet Samuel gazed upon seven of Jesse's sons and was satisfied with their masculinity and countenance, thinking they fit the profile of a king, but the Lord made it known to Samuel that the qualities He seeks are internal and not external. The Lord looks at the heart and not the outward physique. Following the Lord's command, Samuel sent for David, who was out in the field tending to the flock, anointed him with oil, and appointed him as the King of Israel. Look not upon another man's countenance because redeeming love has set apart the worst of mankind to be rewarded for the Saviour's...