Shepherds of Obedience
Good morning Scripture reading: Hebrews 13:7-18 Worship song: Good Good Father Meditation: Disobedience and lack of respect for those who are ordained to help us navigate through life's rugged terrain and keep us abreast of God's expectations are among the many issues affecting the effectiveness of leadership in our congregation. Hebrews 13 reminds us to obey those who have the rule over us and submit ourselves unto obedience to them, for they have a responsibility to watch for our souls, as they must give account to God. Pastors are chosen vessels whose responsibility is to lead the church here on earth with joy. They are representatives and followers of Jesus Christ, given to us according to the desires of the Lord's heart to feed us with knowledge and understanding by delivering sound, undiluted doctrines that will edify us. A pastor's task is difficult; hence, they must seek the Lord for wisdom to feed the church of God, which Jesus Christ has pu...