Shepherds of Obedience
Good morning
Scripture reading: Hebrews 13:7-18
Worship song: Good Good Father
Disobedience and lack of respect for those who are ordained
to help us navigate through life's rugged terrain and keep us abreast of God's
expectations are among the many issues affecting the effectiveness of
leadership in our congregation. Hebrews 13 reminds us to obey those who have
the rule over us and submit ourselves unto obedience to them, for they have a
responsibility to watch for our souls, as they must give account to God.
Pastors are chosen vessels whose responsibility is to lead the church here on
earth with joy. They are representatives and followers of Jesus Christ, given
to us according to the desires of the Lord's heart to feed us with knowledge
and understanding by delivering sound, undiluted doctrines that will edify us.
A pastor's task is difficult; hence, they must seek the Lord for wisdom to feed
the church of God, which Jesus Christ has purchased with his blood. Pastors
should at all times seek the Lord earnestly for wisdom lest they become brutish
and lose their purpose. We should not seek to condemn or cast judgment on those
who are ordained to serve but pray that God will strengthen and lead them as
they feed his flock. The Lord will deal with those who have erred and led his
flock astray according to His desire. The Lord said He will bring judgment to
pastors who destroy and scatter the sheep of his pasture, for they have driven
them away and have not visited them. They shall not prosper, said the Lord, and
I will visit upon them the evil of their doings.
Let us pray:
Everlasting Father, King of all kings and Lord of all lords, I glorify you, O God, for you are worthy to be praised. Almighty God, Chief Shepherd of all earthly shepherds, into your hands I commit all pastors and ministers of the gospel. Father, I beseech thee to show mercy on our pastors, especially those who are working tirelessly to ensure they dissect your word so we can gain wisdom and understanding. Heavenly Father, strengthen the pastors who work assiduously, those who commit themselves to leadership, and serve your people with unwavering faith. Father, strengthen those pastors who seek to help gain souls for your kingdom. Abba Father, I intercede for those pastors who have wandered away from the faith, caught in their selfish gain, and are seeking after that which the world offers. Father, remind them of their purpose and responsibility as leaders in the vineyard. Father, in your wrath, grant them mercy and lead them back to you, O God. Give them a passionate heart that hungers for you, mighty God. Lord Jesus, speak to the hearts of those pastors who lead us and guide them so they can shepherd us in the right direction, lest we be led astray and become scattered sheep. Father, O Heavenly Father, have your way; cripple and paralyze every deceptive plan of the enemy to destroy your church and your chosen overseers that watch for the souls of your children in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
Have a blessed and peaceful day. 💗🙏🙏
Thank you Lord for reminding us to be obedient to those whom you have chosen to help lead us on the right path.