
Attitude of Gratitude

Good morning

Scripture reading: Psalm 100

Worship song: Gratitude



People tend to complain about everything that is not going according to their desires and plans. Those who are abundantly blessed are often the ones who spend time complaining and expressing their dissatisfaction. Yet some are struggling with hardship but show appreciation by giving thanks and rejoicing in their circumstance. Some complain and find fault with everything they receive, yet some wish they had even the crumbs that fell from your table. Throughout the scriptures, especially in the book of Psalms, we are reminded to give thanks with a grateful heart. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Consider what you have rather than what you lack. There is so much to be grateful for, yet some spend time showing their lack of appreciation. 

    You might not have a home, a car, wealth and good health, or riches untold, but you have life; you are not walking around with an oxygen tank, and if you are, give thanks. The things we regard as junk are another man's treasure, so give thanks and develop a heart of gratitude. Give thanks for the little you have, and most of all, give thanks to God always for sending Jesus Christ, the greatest gift of all. Give thanks to the Lord with a grateful heart, for he is good; his love endures forever. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything give thanks. No matter your circumstance, serve the Lord with a grateful heart, come before him with singing, enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and be thankful for he has made us and fashioned us in his likeness and image. 

    Paul said he learned to be grateful and content no matter his circumstances. Those who display an attitude of gratitude know that they never accomplish anything on their own, but because they depend on God. They know what it means to depend on God. Today, give God thanks for everything, even the things that baffle your mind.

Let us pray:

    Jehovah God, you are God all by yourself; you are matchless in power, merciful, and gracious. Lord of heaven and earth, I have acknowledged the many ways in which you have blessed us, and for that, I expressed my gratitude to you, Lord. Almighty God, I may not have much, but I have all I need because I have you, I have access to the Tree of Life, and I have life eternal. I am grateful to you for sending your son, Jesus Christ, who died for my redemption. No more am I in bondage because you have emancipated me from slavery to sin and set me free. Lord, I give you thanks for your mercies that are renewed each day, and I am grateful for the unconditional love and unmerited favor that you have bestowed upon us. Lord, I am grateful for what you are doing behind the scenes. I might not understand, or I cannot comprehend it, but I am solely dependent on you, Lord. I give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was and is to come, because you are in control, and you reign supreme. Thank You for the very air I breathe and even my ability to breathe through Jesus Christ, my Saviour. Amen.

Have a great day.  💕🙏




  1. Oh how life reminds us all to be grateful. The things one enjoy, when it is finished and there is no more one realize they did not appreciate the source from which it came. The attitude of gratitude is the best attitude. Those who possess this attitude find themselves abundantly bless even though they suffer many things. Everyone should take time out to think of the many things they are bless with and it will amaze you.
    Give thanks.


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