
The Blame Game

Good morning

Scripture reading: 2 Peter 3

Worship song: The Lord Will Fix It


    If the question is asked regarding who is to be blamed for the state of criminal activities and the evil that plagues the world, I am sure we will get mixed responses. Some would cast blame on the parent's upbringing; others would blame the schools, the media, the church, the members of the security force, the fulfilment of Bible prophecy, and the list goes on. However, the blame game cannot change the fact that the damage is already done, but the evil spell can be broken if we turn to Jesus Christ and surrender all to Him. I stand by the words written in 2 Chronicles 7:14, and I still believe that God is waiting for us to turn to him so he can heal our land. St. Matthew 7:7-8 reminds us to ask, and we will receive, seek and we will find, knock, and it shall be opened unto us. Our answer to our problems lies in prayer, fasting, repentance, and the power of Almighty God. There is no evil altar that God cannot dismantle. Let us exercise our mustard seed faith and seek Almighty God for wisdom as we strive to take back our young people and our country from the captivator, the ruler of darkness.

Let us pray:

    Almighty God, I bow in your presence, perturbed but not in despair. Abba Father, I call upon thee, O God, to dismantle the gangs that Satan and his cohorts have established across our nation. Almighty God, I beseech you to confuse their languages and abort their evil plans. Release the vulnerable from the grasp of Satan's stronghold, mighty God. Almighty God, I place all parents, leaders, unbelievers, teachers, politicians, and security who have failed to uphold moral principles. Almighty God, the lack of accountability on the path of each sector has eroded ethical standards. We have failed miserably to nurture and bring up the children to fear and love you with a sincere heart, O God. We hereby confess our failures and appeal to you to forgive us, Lord. Almighty God, I pray that those who have drifted from you will once again erect family altars in their homes and call on your name, O God. Grant us wisdom and understanding to know deception, the difference between evil and good and the desire to choose what is right. Father, examine our ways and remove evil desires from within us. Purify our hearts, O God, filter our minds, remove all impurities, and fill us with love and compassion one towards another through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Saviour. Amen. 

Have a peaceful day. Keep safe. 💕


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