
The Expiration Date

Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Worship Song: Unfinished Task


The products for consumption are labelled with an expiration date, and we should pay keen attention to these dates before making final purchases. It is best to avoid purchasing food after the date posted on the label. By doing so, we can safeguard ourselves against food poisoning and foodborne bacteria. Apart from the products that we consume, everything else has a shelf life, including appliances, but how long they last depends on the type of appliance and how well it is maintained. Humans also have expiration dates. However, the difference between us and manmade products is that our expiration dates are unknown. We cannot tell when our time will end. Each of us is allotted a different expiration date, and it cannot be altered by man. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Nothing or no one lasts forever; everything has a time limit, an expiration date that will eventually end. Let us, therefore, seek God, dwell in his presence always, and be ready and prepared because we know not when we shall depart. Bear in mind that after our time here expires, we have to give an account of how we spend the time allocated to us on judgement day.

Let us pray:

Everlasting Father, I glorify you because you are my God, seated at the seat of control and have the key to life and death. Almighty God, we acknowledge that our time here on earth is temporary, and we do not know our expiration date, so we beseech you, Lord, not to eliminate us in our sinful state but to grant us the opportunity to repent and surrender completely to you. Pluck us, O God, from out of the enemy's territory and grant us access to your eternal grace. Father, we pray that whatever we accomplish and how we spend the time you have allowed us will reflect your will and purpose for our lives. I pray, O God, that on judgement day, we will not hear you say depart from me; I know you not, but we will hear instead welcome, good and faithful servant. Father, may we be able, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, to live a life that is pleasing to you through Jesus Christ, our redeemer. Amen. (Child of the King).

Peace and Love🩷


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