Engage in Worship Anywhere
Scripture reading: St. John 4:19–26
Praise song: Bow down and worship
Are you among those who put a cap on where, when, and how you worship? All children of God should be prepared to glorify God anywhere and at any time. Do not wait until you are in a sanctuary to sing praises to God. Create your own worship space. It doesn't matter what you are doing; find time throughout the day to worship God in spirit and truth. Worship starts from within you and creates a revelation on the outside. In sickness, health, wealth, grief, sadness, joy, pleasure, or pain, whatever your state or whatever your circumstance, make an effort to worship your Creator in spirit and truth. It is during worship that you forget about your situation. It is during worship that strongholds are broken and breakthroughs are accomplished. Remember, we are the temple of the living God, so let the praises of our King reside in us wherever we go. We do not need large buildings and crowds to express our gratitude to Almighty God. Our closets (small spaces) are enough. Whatever the size of your space, it is enough. Our God is not limited to space.
Let us pray:
Sovereign God, our unlimited, all-powerful, sufficient God, there is no limit to what you are capable of doing. Mighty God, I acknowledge that you are not limited to space, and so from my secret closet, I bow before your throne and humbly worship you in spirit and truth. Heavenly Father, demolish every obstacle that rises to take residence where they are not welcome. Pull down every stronghold that is erected to distract, paralyze, and hold us captive. Destroy the baal gods that occupied our worship space, so you can get all the glory, Lord. Father, create within us a clean and pure heart that is ready at all times to worship and praise You. May we, O God, continue to be in a place where an atmosphere for worship and praise is always present. Mighty God, no matter the state of our affairs, grant us your peace and empower us to overcome every obstacle through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
Peace and love.🩷
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