There Is Hope In God
Scripture reading: Daniel 6
Praise song: He's Able
There are many different ways mentioned in Scripture of how God protects his people, and many of us can testify of how the Lord protects us from victimization. The story of Daniel reminds us that God is always in control, though we cannot perceive it. Daniel was chosen by King Darius as the general manager over the princes and the other presidents. This decision, however, did not please the others, and therefore they plot against Daniel. When they found no fault regarding the handling of the estate, they decided to probe deeper into his life to find an occasion against him concerning the law of his God. Daniel was not intimidated by the concocted scheme his enemies had plotted against him. Daniel's enemies desired to dethrone him, but he was not bothered by their plot and scheme because he knew the God whom he served. After the decree was signed, Daniel went to his chamber, and with the windows wide open, he knelt and prayed as he normally did. Daniel never stopped praising his God, nor did he cease to worship Him. Those who schemed against Daniel did not know that the God whom he served was the deliverer, the protector, and the God of power, who controlled all things. No matter what giants you encounter, pray and believe that God can deliver you out of any trap your enemy sets to consume you. Nothing is impossible for God, so trust him, believe all things are possible, pray, and continue to worship.
Let us pray:
Almighty God, the God of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we worship you; we bow in reverence to you, O God, with a heart of praise and thanksgiving. Almighty God, the God who never fails, the God who can deliver us from the noisome pestilence, I seek your divine intervention as we struggle to cope in this world of chaos, confusion, and evil demise. Almighty God, many are the giants that we encounter, but God, we believe you can slay them all. Almighty God, we stand on your word and declare that no weapon form against us shall prosper. Father, I declare every tongue that rises against us, your children, powerless, and we speak victory over every serpent spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Almighty God, comforter, deliverer, and friend, reign within us and let your power be felt as we stand upon your word, O God, declaring victory over our foes in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen.
Have a blessed and peaceful day. 🩷
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