
The Power of The Tongue

Scripture reading: James 3: 5-12

Worship song: Ancient Words


James, a servant of God, while observing the behavioral trend of those around him, realized that their tongue is a very unruly member of the body and cannot be tamed. The words that proceed out of the mouth are cause for concern, as the effective power of words can uplift and then later tear down what it has erected. This operation of the tongue acts contrary to the will of God and is therefore deemed unacceptable. Words can be a lethal weapon, powerful enough to damage the character of others, stir up anger, condemn, curse, and destroy the spirit and self-esteem of others. Likewise, the tongue can also be used to build, uplift, motivate, comfort, praise, and help others in making the right decisions. As children of God, our words should strengthen and motivate those whom we come in contact with. Therefore, no harmful words should proceed from our mouth, but that which is wholesome to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Our speech should always be uttered with loving kindness, seasoned with salt, so that we may know how we ought to answer our fellow men. Being true followers of Jesus Christ, we should strive to emulate Him and live by His teachings and standards. While Jesus was on earth, many marveled and wondered at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth. We should at all times use kind words to counteract bitter utterances. 

Let's pray:

Dear Lord Jesus, it gives me great joy to read your word with clarity and enthusiasm. Father, as I glean from your inspired words of wisdom, may my life, my attitude, and my spoken words reflect you, your teachings, principles, and standards. Jehovah God, I pray that the words that proceed from my mouth will edify, uplift, encourage, motivate, strengthen, and comfort those whom I come intact with. Almighty God, please govern my tongue so that I may utter words of praise, blessings, kindness, and love. Place my tongue under subjection, O God, for only you can tame it. Almighty God, be my shield and guide my heart to do what is right in your sight in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Child of the King).

 Have a God bless day. Shalom. 🙏


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