
Let Me Be Worthy

Good morning

Scripture reading: Matthew 22:8-14

Worship song: Worthy



    To be considered worthy, you must have and display the abilities that merit recognition for the specific purpose to which you are required to serve.  Jesus, in his deliberation, likened the Kingdom of Heaven to a king preparing a wedding ceremony for his child. Spending time and resources preparing for any function or celebration to appease the invitees is something that every caterer looks forward to with great delight. Normally, preparation is made based on the number of expected participants. But as illustrated in the scripture, there is the possibility that all your sacrificial effort and labor might be taken for granted and overlooked.  Jesus prepared a wedding ceremony and is continuously making appeals for us to join in the festivity, but many are too busy with the cares of this world to accept His offer. But if we continue to ignore the plea to come to the banquet hall, too busy gallivanting, finding and making excuses, and always striving to satisfy our earthly desires rather than seeking first the Kingdom of God, we might miss our opportunity to celebrate with Jesus. There is coming a day when those who are not wearing their wedding attire will be locked out, deemed unworthy because they have already missed the opportunity to be with the bridegroom. Therefore, harden not your heart when Jesus bids you come, for those who do might just miss their opportunity to be redeemed. There will be weeping and mourning when they are shut out forever. 

Let's pray:

    All-knowing, merciful, wonderful Saviour, blessed redeemer, and friend, worthy are you, Lord, and worthy to be praised. Father, your grace is sufficient, for your power is made perfect in our weaknesses. Heavenly Father, not all of us are deemed worthy or valuable in the sight of those around us, but we are all worthy, important, and precious in your sight, O God. Almighty God, time and time again, you bid us to come unto you, but devoted to our self-seeking pursuit of worldly pleasure and caught up in our self-righteousness, we refuse to surrender. Heavenly Father, the cares, desires, and pleasures of this world are a hindrance to our commitment to doing what is holy, but I pray, O God, that we spend time to examine ourselves and value the price that was paid for us on Calvary's cross. Jehovah God, may we return to you with a penitent heart, knowing that the price you paid was for a worthy cause. Father, may we surrender to you, O God, and be worthy of the price you paid for us and the pain you suffered for our gain. Almighty God, with a grateful heart, we give you thanks for your sacrificial offering in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen. 

Have a great day. Shalom. 🙏💗




  1. We should all answer the call of the savor. We are considered and no greater consideration than that of the savor. He value us and that should give us all the joy we need. Who will not respond to the savor call is considered a fool. There will be no other invitation given.
    Come, let us not turn Him away. Have a bless day.

  2. Thanks for the Word this morning. God bless you and yours.


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