
Who Shall Stand?

Good morning 

Scripture reading: Psalm 24

Praise song: Purify My Heart



    The question is asked, who shall stand in the holy place of God? Only those with clean hands and pure hearts. Those with a pure heart and clean hands are the people who do not sow discord among brethren; neither have they stained their hands with their brother's blood or meddled in iniquities. They are those who walk righteously and speak uprightly. They despised the gain of oppression and shut their eyes from seeing evil. They are those who show mercy because they love mercy. The pure in heart are those with inner moral holiness. They are those who forgive those who trespassed against them. The things that we harbor in our hearts, that we refuse to let go and let God, can hinder us from entering the holy place prepared for the holy and righteous. 

    Matt. 5 verse 8 reminds us, the pure in heart shall see God. Let us, therefore, seek to live a holy life pleasing to God and seek to pursue love, righteousness, and peace. What is not clean in your life before God? Where have you grown content with uncleanness? Is it in your thoughts, your deeds, or your actions? Where have you grown complacent with sin, thinking it’s no big deal? Maybe it is small and you think it is ok, but note no sin is insignificant. Only those with clean hands and a pure heart whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be able to enter that glorious City of God, to live forever with Him, filled with and surrounded by His joy and His peace. 

Let's pray:

    Sovereign God, the God who knows our intention, our heart, and our mind, the God who forgives sin and remembers them no more, I humble myself before you this morning. Father, I ask, O God, that you cleanse and purify me of all sin and iniquity, of anything that will pollute my mind and contaminate my heart. Lord, I want to be among the pure in heart who are worthy to see you, and so God, whatever is within me that will prevent this opportunity, I ask that you remove it and blot out my transgressions, Lord. Almighty God, I do not rely on my ability, my strength, but on You, Jesus Christ, so I beseech you to order my steps and create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me, O God. Almighty God, I desire to dwell in your presence all the days of my life, beholding your beauty, to be hidden in your pavilion, and to stand firmly upon Jesus Christ, the solid rock. Amen.

 Have a great day. 💕🙏


  1. When we consider what it takes to see God all effort must be made to do so because of its eternal nature. One cannot make light of such a lifetime opportunity. Earth is very appealing with all that it offers but it passes away.
    Let us live for what is eternal because that is what matters. 🙏


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