Confronting Your Fears
Good morning
Scripture reading: Psalm 42:5-6
Worship song: As the Deer
The dictionary defines defeated as having been beaten in a battle or other contest. Defeated is how many of us feel when we are overwhelmed by the challenges and disappointments we encounter. The moment we wake, we are bombarded with countless thoughts, and if we are not careful, we can let our negative thoughts control our minds. The psalmist, knowing his mind was corroded with unhealthy thoughts, confronted his own feelings of despair and despondency. He began to speak to his cast-down soul to hope in God and praise him for his unmerited grace and favor. He recognized that only God could help change his countenance.
There are going to be days when you feel defeated, feel as though all hope is lost, and you cannot endure the difficult moments. You are going to feel far from God as if you have failed Him, but be of good cheer and do not be discouraged because God is always with you, and He is greater and more powerful than the things you encounter. Strive to renew your mindset and let the Holy Spirit fill you with confidence and faith in God. In this world, you will face many obstacles and tribulations, but be of good cheer; trust in God, and you will overcome them all. In all these trials, you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loved you.
When you walk in God's favor, honoring him with your life, knowing who you are and whose you are, you cannot be defeated. Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, focus on positive thoughts, and change your thought process to reflect the Christ that resides in you. Do not allow your mind to be crowded with negative thoughts; combat negative thinking by becoming familiar with the scriptures, shun negative reflections, and build your hope on things eternal.
Let us pray:
Sovereign God, I give you thanks for a new life, new hope,
peace, and the joy you bring to us when we surrender our hearts, bodies, minds,
and souls to you. Father, I realized that our minds are easily bombarded by
negative thoughts, thoughts that do not reflect the Christ within us, thoughts
that are not in alignment with your words, and thoughts of fear and
hopelessness, so, Lord, we place our minds under your subjection this morning.
Almighty God, I beseech you that by the power of your word and the presence of
your Holy Spirit, you will renew our minds with truth. Demolish, O God, every
stronghold, every negative thought in our minds that sets itself up against the
knowledge of truth. Lord, paint upon the eyeballs of our soul your word as a
reminder of the conquering, victorious spirit you have granted unto us. Empower
us, O God, with positive reflections. Lord, lead us to a place where we are
attentive to our thoughts so we can reject any thought that does not align with
your word. Father, help us to set our minds on things above and not on earthly
things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Shalom. ✌🙏
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