
The Donation Gift

Good morning

Scripture reading: Matthew 26: 27-28

Worship song: O The Blood



    Donating blood is a voluntary procedure that many persons willingly participate in to help save lives. The life of every creature is in the blood, so when blood is shed and drains from the body, it means life has ended. Blood is needed to sustain life. However, not everyone willing to donate blood can do so because of medical requirements and health conditions. Blood donors have to meet all necessary medical eligibility standards and be in good health to prevent the receiver from getting a bloodborne infection. Blood is essential in sustaining life and was used in many instances as a spiritual contact point with God for the remission of sin. The blood offering of an animal with no blemish, spot, or defects (not lame) was a sacrificial requirement in the Old Testament for the atonement of sin. But that requirement was changed through Jesus Christ, who was preordained before the foundation of the world, in whom we have redemption through his shed blood for the forgiveness of our sins. Today, you and I are not redeemed by the tradition of our forefathers nor with corruptible things, but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the spotless Lamb of God.

Let us pray:

    Everlasting Father, clothed in splendor and majesty, I exalt you, precious Lamb of God because you are the great I Am who takes away my sins. Almighty God, there is no greater love than this that I will ever experience than your sacrificial offering for my victory over sin. Lord God, I am grateful that we are not redeemed by corruptible things or the blood of animals but with the precious blood of Christ, the spotless lamb of God who had no sin, no blemish, or spots, who was foreordained before the foundation of the world. Almighty God, I behold you as the holy, precious Lamb of God who was born into sin that we may live again. Thank you, Lord, for the purification of our mind, body, and soul and for restoring and redeeming us from the dark domain through our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a blessed day. 💕🙏



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