
Let Your Will Be Done - Prayer

Good morning

Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 7:21

Worship song: Not My Will


Let Us Pray:

    Sovereign God, clothed in splendour and majesty, I honour, worship, and adore you, O Lord, as my Father and King. Almighty God, I seek your divine intervention as I acknowledge that I have failed to hearken to your will daily. Almighty God, I beseech you to slay selfish desires and restrain self-willpower that seeks to dominate your will for my life and the lives of your children. Free us, O God, from self-will and let your will reside in us; let your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven, mighty God. Lord, we seek not to be conformed to this world, but to discern your will and what is good, acceptable, and well-pleasing in your sight. Lord God, take command over every unfamiliar spirit and every spirit that is not authorized by you that seeks to govern our willpower. 

    Lord, I know the plans you have for us are not to harm us but to prosper us and give us hope and a future, a plan that far exceeds our imagination, so Lord, place our selfish desires under your subjection and have your way, Jesus. Lord, we surrender all to you, making room for you to do whatever you want to do to perfect your will within us. Lord Jesus, as we release our mind, our thoughts, our heart, body, and soul under your subjection, perfect us in every good work to do your will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in your sight through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a prayerful day. ✌🙏💗





  1. Aligning our will with God's will is not easily done because of our disobedience but if we walk in obedience and live by His words, it is made easy.
    We often pray, Lord not my will but thine be done. Let us all make it happen.
    As we all continue to walk with the Lord, may His will be realized in our lives.
    Peace and love ❤️


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