
House of Merchandise.

Good morning

Scripture reading: St. John 2:12-17

Praise song: House of the Lord


    The disregard for the temple of God was evident among some Jews in Jerusalem as they assembled in the house of God with their merchants, advertising and trading them for money. Their parade did not fascinate Jesus, for he was rather angry and disappointed with their display of disdain for his holy temple. Imagine how Jesus must have felt to witness his temple filled with animals for sale. Jesus made a scourge of cord (a whip) and drove the animals from the temple. He spoke with power and authority as he drove from the temple the traders who were engaged in self-gain rather than ministering to sinners. These Jews were making God's house a house of merchandise, having their minds filled with care about worldly business for the love of gain. How do you treat the house of God? Are you using it to parade your merchandise for your gain, or are you using it to worship, praise, and gain souls for His kingdom? If you are using the house of God for self-gain, prepare to face the consequences of your actions. The Jews chose to meddle in an act that was forbidden in the house of God. Are you doing the same?

Let us pray:

    Omnipotent, omnipresent, most holy Father, I present my body as a living sacrifice unto you, O God, the temple which houses my soul, and I must, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, keep it holy and spotless. Abba, Father, if you find anything on display in your temple that is prohibited, God, I ask that you drive them out and purify your temple for your glory and honor. Almighty God, slay selfish desires, selfish gain, self-indulgence, and self-righteousness, and let your name be glorified. Uproot and cast asunder that which you have not authorized, mighty God. Father, dismantle every driving force that seeks to destroy your holy temple. Jehovah God, change our mindset and bring us to the place where we can acknowledge and recognize your will for our lives and the purpose of the house of God. As children of God, direct our focus to the things that are pleasing to you, O God. Father, roll away the stone that seals our heart, O God, so we can worship you in spirit and truth. Almighty God, there is more to gain from living for you than running after the things of this world, so Lord, help us to divert our attention away from earthly pleasure so we can seek you earnestly through Jesus Christ, our Saviour, and Lord. Amen.   

Have a peaceful and blessed day. ✌💗


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