
Does God Have Your Heart?

Good morning

Scripture reading: Matthew 15:1-10

Praise song: Give me a heart like thine



    Where does your heart lie? Did you know that you can be doing everything for the Lord, yet your heart is far from Him? We can avail ourselves to serve in various ministries, ministering through songs, edifying, and delivering the message of salvation and hope to others while failing to surrender and commit our own hearts to God. We can do an excellent job at spreading the gospel and reaping a bountiful harvest for the Lord, yet we are not convicted because we have not surrendered our own hearts to God. Though we spend time telling others about God, we need to also spend time with God and focus on building a relationship with Him. When we aim at pleasing man rather than God, doing things to get praise from man rather than God, it is an indication that we have not given Him our hearts. 

    A heart that is not seeking after the things of God is more likely to pursue success, fame, and popularity rather than seeking first the kingdom of God. A heart that is far from God does not carry out God's instruction and does not practice repentance. It seeks not the things of God, but the things of the world. A heart that is far from God does not seek after that which is holy and does not walk in obedience to God's will. To have a heart after God’s heart, we must be converted, be Spirit-filled, spend time alone with God, yearn for the things of God, and have a desire for Him. When we surrender our hearts completely to God, he will transform our thoughts and ways to reflect his likeness and desires. 

Let us pray:

    Heavenly Father, great are you, Lord, and greatly to be praised. Father, we come before you, knowing that nothing is hidden from you; you alone know the hidden secrets of our hearts. Father, search and examine us thoroughly; prove us and try our reins and our heart, O God. Lord Jesus, as we examine our own hearts, we realize we fail to surrender totally to you, and so this morning, Abba, Father, we give you our heart; we surrender it all to you, O God. Take our broken and contrite hearts, O God, uproot that which you have not planted, and fashion our hearts into your likeness. Almighty God, consecrate us and remove far from us this heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh, O God, a heart like yours that knows no evil. Abba Father, we surrender to your will and your ways, so break us gracefully until your power completes its work in us and our heart is completely surrendered to you. Almighty God, consume us with the power of your love until we are complete in thee in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.

Keep safe. Shalom. 🙏💕


  1. Gm my sister. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

  2. Matthew 22:37
    Thou shall love the Lord with all thine heart and it continues but it begins with the heart. Anything anyone is doing and your heart is not in it will not have the desired result, neither will God gets the glory.
    The heart must deliver the good thing. Everyone must pay attention to the heart because the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. Blessings.


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