
The Deadly Parasites

 Scripture reading: Romans 6

Praise Song: Wash Me Over Again


    Mosquitoes, though they are small and look harmless, are considered one of the deadliest blood-sucking parasites and are responsible for over 1 million deaths a year. These tiny insects are responsible for transmitting deadly viruses from an infected person to an uninfected host. Sin is very much like that, as it appears harmless, yet it carries the full venom of Satan's poison. As small as a mosquito is, it leaves its scars on our skin, and so does sin when it invades our hearts; it leaves its mark and a trail of bitterness. Sin, when conceived, leaves us empty and broken, scarred and marred, battered and bruised. Sin and our iniquities separate us from our Heavenly Father. Sin cannot dwell in the presence of a holy God, because God does not tolerate any act of sin. There is only one reward for those who refuse to repent and turn away from sin, and that is everlasting damnation in the lake of fire prepared for Satan, his angels, and his cohorts. One can only escape this harsh penalty if they choose to repent of their sins and accept and surrender completely to Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can forgive sins and rescue us from the perils of darkness. He is only a prayer away.

Let us pray.

    Almighty God, seated on the throne in the heavens, I magnify and glorify you as my Lord and King. Father, as I humble myself in your presence, I ask that you purify our hearts and cleanse us from any iniquity and sin that will separate us from you, Lord. God Almighty, we surrender our imperfections, our weaknesses, our flaws, our iniquities, and our frailty. Forgive us, O God, of our mistakes, our sins, and our iniquities, and allow your Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Lead us, Heavenly Father, to the place where we are dependent on you. Almighty God, we crave your indulgence, and we invite you to help us in our decision-making, lest we sin against you, Lord. Father, we repent of the many times we have failed you, failed to trust you, and failed to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Father, we commit our mind, body, and soul to you, O God, for only you can purify and cleanse us. Please extend unto us your mercies and grace, O God, as we seek to serve you and honor you with the help of the Holy Spirit, our comforter, in the name of Jesus Christ, our advocate. Amen. (Child of the King).

Have a great day. 🩷


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