
The Key to Deliverance and Breakthrough

Scripture reading: Acts 16:16-36

Worship song: Falling On My Knees


Deliverance and breakthroughs begin with how we respond to hard times and difficult situations. It is not enough to thank God and honour Him only when we receive blessings, but in every situation. In difficulty, our praise determines the vastness of our deliverance and breakthrough. Praise is more than chapping our hands; it is praising God wholeheartedly with our heart, mind, spirit, and body. Paul and Silas did not wait until they received a breakthrough to praise and glorify God. While in prison, bound by chains, they prayed earnestly to God, and then they praised Him by singing, rejoicing, and giving thanks. While they were worshipping, God shook the foundations of the prison; the chains became loose, and the prison doors opened miraculously, setting them free. Almighty God has not changed, nor has his power diminished. He can do the same for us today. He will shake the foundation of our prison. He can cause walls to crumble around us and set us free. All we need to do is acknowledge Him as the true and living God, surrender to Him, and trust and praise Him with a sincere heart. Let us continue to pray, praise, and worship until our enemies are scattered and our chains are broken.

Let us pray:
My gracious, loving Father, the God of a second chance, here I am in your presence, with a heart of praise and thanksgiving. Lord, I am grateful that You are my King, and so, Father, I surrender all to You through worship and offer myself as a living sacrifice because You are worthy, O Lord, and You alone deserve glory, honour, and praise. Almighty God, whether in sickness, in health, in wealth, in affliction, long-suffering, or in joy and peace, may we continuously lift our voices and sing praises unto thee, merciful God. Father, O Heavenly Father, we are grateful to you for the unconditional love that you extend to us without boundaries or limitations. We extend our gratitude to you, mighty God, through worship as we give you thanks in advance for the chains that are already broken and for granting us freedom from the strongholds that bind us. Almighty God, please take our lives and consecrate them, Lord, unto thee through Jesus Christ, our redeemer. Amen. (Child of the King).

Have a blessed day. Keep safe. 💕🙏


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