
Who Are You Great Mountain?

Good morning

Scripture reading: Zechariah 4:1-10

Worship song: Never lost



    Zerubbabel, governor of Judah by the proclamation of King Cyrus, started to rebuild the city, but as they began to build the house of the Lord, the adversities of Judah and Benjamin rose against them. A letter of accusations was written against Zerubbabel and the builders of the city. The letter was sent to Artaxerxes, King of Persia, who gave a command stating that the men cease the building of the city. Zerubbabel and the assistant builders obeyed the command of the king and stopped the building of the house of God and the city. Several years after the command was issued, Zechariah was visited by an angel of the Lord and received a proclamation that the hand of Zerubbabel shall finish the work that he had started, and nothing will prevent its completion. You may have started a project, an assignment, or a task, and the adversities have risen against you and have forced you to cease, but don't give up. Maybe you are unable to complete what you have started because of financial issues or other obstacles, but there is still hope. Maybe it is time you revisit what you have started, not by might nor by power, but by the spirit of the Lord. 

 Let us pray:

    Omnipresent God, the only God whose unseen eyes can scan the entire earth, observing and recording every activity that takes place under the sun, I exalt you and bow before your throne. Lord of Host, I magnify and glorify you, O God, for you are worthy to be praised. Father, we look to you by faith, and we believe that whatever task you desire us to accomplish, nothing can hinder its completion. Father, we trust your plans and believe that all things are possible not by our might nor by our power, but by the spirit of the living God. Almighty God, as you spoke unto Zechariah concerning the task you have given unto Zerubbabel, I ask that you speak unto us, O God, and remind us that whatever we have started, in your honor and for your glory, will be completed. Almighty God, whatever our great mountains are, we declare they will become as plain as we surrender them before you, knowing that you are the mountain mover. Father, our firm foundation, I place every battle before you, O God, knowing that you are the God who never lost a battle. Almighty God, I give you thanks for breaking the chains of bondage, for removing blockages, pulling down strongholds, and dismantling obstacles in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Have a great day. Shalom. 💕🙏




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