
Burning Your Bridges

Good morning

Scripture reading: Philippians 3:7-14

Worship song: If I Got Jesus



    Whenever you are moving from one situation to a new one that you think is better than the previous one, people will tell you not to burn your bridges behind you. 'Do not burn your bridges behind you' is an idiom that means to make a decision that is irrevocable and eliminates any possibility of retreating or returning for favor. You would be told not to act in a manner that will cause irreparable harm to your previous relationships or connections, as you may need them later in life. The truth is, there are some relationships and connections that you need to sever, especially the ones not aligned with God's will. You need to burn the bridges that interfere with your relationship with God. Be not deceived, for some have not the knowledge of God, and if you turn away from such, they will corrupt you with their evil communications. It is perfectly feasible to burn the bridges that belong to your former manner of life, which is corrupt through carnal and deceitful desires. Burn those bridges and be renewed in the spirit of your mind so you can put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. You must burn the bridges that make provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof so you can freely glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and live according to his desired purpose.

Let us pray:

    Dear Heavenly Father, merciful and gracious, you are exalted above all the earth. Lord, all praises to you because you are the great I AM. My Saviour and redeemer, having put my hands to the plough, living under the shadow of the Almighty God, and dwelling in your secret place, may I never look back to my former lifestyle that was corrupt through deceitful fleshly desires. Almighty God, I will forever be grateful to you for redeeming me from the wreckage of my sinfulness and pray that no temptation will entice me to return to my folly. I am grateful to you, O God, for rescuing me from deceptive philosophy and the spiritual forces of darkness in this world. Vindicate me from any unlawful practices and help me, O God, to live a life pleasing to you through the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a blessed day. 💕🙏





  1. Forward ever backward never is the guiding thought that should propell one Forward. Such desire must be maintained through fasting and consistent relationship with the Lord.
    Every one deserves the best for their lives even under severe challenges one hold on in the strength of the Lord. When the Lord forgive one sins and remove it as far as the east is from the west, when He open the eyes of one's heart to see as He sees, with that understanding and sight it is sweet walking with Him.
    As Paul mentioned, when he tried to do good evil presented it self and the things that he would not do that he does is a sign of weakness and requires one to seek higher grounds.
    Let us take our lives to the next level. Shalom.


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