Seek First the Kingdom of God
Good morning
Scripture reading: St. Matt. 6:24-34
Hymn: Seek ye first
There is a get-rich-quick mentality sweeping across the nation. Even pastors and ministers have diverted from the gospel to preach prosperity sermons. Instead of ministering to the congregation about salvation, the significance of repentance, the penalty of sin, and the reward of a soul that is sold out for Christ, they are preaching about riches. The most important thing in life is not about how to get rich but to know Jesus Christ and have a relationship with Him. Too many people spend their lives trying to get rich. They lose their health to get wealth, then they spend their wealth to get back their health. Don’t let money be your sole pursuit. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you. When the Lord asked King Solomon what he wanted, he could have said riches, but instead, he asked for wisdom to lead the people.
The Lord did not only bless
him with wisdom, but he blessed him with riches also. God already knows what we
want, so do not seek glory in the things of this world but in Jesus Christ.
Thus saith the Lord, let not the rich man glory in his riches, but let him that
glories, glory in this, that he understand and know me, that I am the Lord who
exercises righteousness, loving kindness, and judgment in the earth, for in
these things the Lord delighted. His desire is for us to serve, honor, and seek
Him first, then He will bless us with our needs. Would you rather pursue
earthly gain and the whole world and lose your soul? Or do you rather seek God
and His kingdom first and receive in abundance his riches?
Let's pray:
Heavenly Father, I pray that as followers of Jesus Christ,
we will return to the gospel that was good enough for Paul and Silas. Father,
give us a glimpse of Your eternal perspective and help us to search for the
right balance of time that better fulfills Your purpose. Almighty God, may we
seek to gain souls for your kingdom, to establish a relationship with you first
and foremost instead of seeking fame and boasting about our earthly gain. May
we, O God, humble ourselves before you, learn to shun the appearance of evil,
confess and repent of our iniquities, and hold steadfast to your teachings as
we surrender all to you. I pray, O God, that we will see our needs as more than
what the world has to offer through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Shalom. 🙏💘
Our priority is to give God first place in our heart. Nothing else should occupied that God part of us. We are reminded to love the Lord with all our heart and more. This is what we should be fighting to do because the enemy want that place and those who loose that fight are in danger of eternal dammnation. Let us stay strong and don't give up the fight. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteTo God be the glory.