
Clothed in Earthly Apparel

Good morning

Scripture: Hosea 2:1-13

Praise song: Kill My Flesh



    Are you among those whose lifestyle choices have caused you to drift away from your first love, Jesus Christ? The prophecy of Hosea was a plea to the Israelites to turn from their unfaithfulness and return to God. Their sinful, lustful life has caused a separation between them and God. Though his prophecy was directed at the Israelites, it is still a valid request for all nations today, to turn from their selfish, egoistic desires and return to Jesus Christ, their first love. God is still pleading to all backsliding nations, kindreds, and people to turn from the earthly things we seek after, the things we find pleasure in doing, the things that occupied our minds, that kept us from seeking God wholeheartedly and sincerely.     

    God promises to strip naked, to take away everything we clutch onto dearly, and leave us dry as the wilderness if we continue to yearn for the things of this world, the things that cause a division between us and him. He will strip us of everything we hold dear if we continue to serve other gods instead of serving Him. Return unto your first love, all backsliding nations. Return to the God of your salvation. Return unto the God, who holds your future in His hand, lest He consumes you in His wrath. Return unto the God of all creation, and he will betroth thee unto Him in righteousness, loving-kindness, and mercies. 

Let's pray:

    Sovereign God, the God that calms the raging seas, I call upon no other God but thee, O Lord, to lead us from the wilderness, from the desert, from the dry and thirsty land, back to you, O God. Almighty God, I pray we will deny ourselves daily, surrender our own will to the will of you, O God, and pursue the agenda and purpose you proposed for us all the days of our lives. Father, we depend on your spirit, your grace, and your word so we can accomplish your will and purpose for our lives. Almighty God, allow your Holy Spirit to descend upon our hearts and wean us from these earthly attractions. Nail our selfish, self-seeking, unrighteous desires to the cross, O God. Father of patience, slow to anger, full of grace and mercies, forgive us for decking ourselves in worldly attire, rejecting that which is holy and righteous. Almighty God, betrothed us once more unto you, O God, and clothed us with righteousness, in loving kindness and tender mercies in the name of Jesus Christ, our Advocator. Amen.

Have a joyful and peaceful day. ✌💕


  1. Watchfullness is required on everyone's part so we don't slip into a state of complacency in the wrong.
    The song to be singing is, I need thee every hour. One can be consumed, overpowered by what they are involved in on a daily basis without realizing it, because the aim of the devil is to blind and bind, take you further than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay. Fight is required though not in one's strength but through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Every thing must be done to keep him living in our heart.


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