A State of Contentment
Season greetings
Scripture reading: Job 1:13-22
Worship song: Give Me Jesus
What would you do, and how would you cope if you lost all your earthly possessions and all that you have accomplished in one day? Not many people can testify that they have experienced such a heartrending and grievous loss as Job. The thought of losing all you have ever accomplished, all your life savings, earthly possessions, and everything you hold dear is frightening. When Job found out he lost everything he owned, he tore his garment as a sign of grief, shaved his head, and worshipped God.
The fact that Job did not blame or curse God but instead bowed down and worshipped him speaks highly of his faith, trust, love, and the relationship he had with God. Job knew that in this world he would encounter hardship, trials, and tribulations. He was not mentally prepared to deal with his loss, but spiritually he was because he remained steadfast, resilient, and focused. His public utterance was, When I was born, I had nothing, and when I die, I will take nothing with me. Job learned that whatever state he finds himself in, he must be content, rejoice, and give God glory, honor, and praise. He acknowledged and accepted the fact that God giveth and he taketh. There are many significant lessons to grasp from this Biblical text.
As you glean from the story of Job, ask yourself
how much you value your earthly possessions over your relationship with God.
You can lose all your earthly possessions, but you will never lose your
spiritual connection with God.
Let us pray:
Sovereign God, I give you thanks for the holy scriptures,
which penetrate my soul each time I analyze and feast upon the word. Father, it
is hard to imagine a loss so devastating, but God, this morning, I will
declare, like Job, that I brought nothing into this world, and I shall leave
with nothing. Lord, I understand that whatever I acquire in this world is
temporary, but you are eternal. Lord, I acknowledge that you have the power to
give, and you have the authority to take back that which you have given, but no
matter my circumstances, Lord, grant me a heart of contentment, filled with
praises and joy. Father, I also acknowledge that I should not boast in vanity
but in you only, Lord Jesus, and so I declare, O God, that I will boast in God
alone, the God who is able to restore all things. You are God Almighty, the
everlasting Father and Chief Executive Officer of my affairs and my life. I am
bound to you, O God; I am dependent on you, and absolutely nothing, O God, will
hinder me from glorifying you through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a blessed day. 💕🙏
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