
No Sin is Welcome There

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11



    Sin is acting or behaving in a way that does not conform to God’s character or commands. According to scripture, whosoever committeth sin transgresseth against the law of God. Sin is an inevitable part of our lives as humans; however, if we want to enter the Holy City, the New Jerusalem that is prepared for the righteous, we need to be washed and sanctified in the blood of the Lamb. No one stained with the graffiti of sin will be allowed to enter the New Jerusalem. Heaven is a holy place, filled with glory and grace. All within its gate are purified from defilement. Only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will enter through the pearly gate. If you hope to dwell in the mansion that Jesus has gone to prepare, you must be cleansed from sin and have the life of Christ within, because sin can never enter into the city of holiness. Do not yield to sin, lest you become its servant, but yield yourselves to God and obey his command that you may be numbered among the chosen. If you yield to Jesus Christ, he will purify your heart and deliver you from the dominant power of sin.

Let us pray:

Eternal Father, you are the most high God; holy and righteous are you, God. Almighty God, I rejoice and give thee thanks for your redeeming blood, your loving kindness, and your tender mercies towards us. Almighty God, I am grateful to you because through your precious blood, we are pardoned, and all our sins are washed away. Father, I acknowledge that sin cannot enter your holy city and, therefore, ask for thorough cleansing of our mind, body, and soul. Almighty God, conquer the forces of evil, the spirit that wars against our souls, and let not sin therefore reign in our mortal bodies, that we should obey it in the lusts thereof. Savior divine, cripple, cramp, and paralyze the stronghold of the flesh, bind the spirit of deception, and release us from its bondage. Almighty God, deliver us and grant us freedom from satanic stronghold. Father, O Heavenly Father, I give thee thanks, for through your shed blood, sin has lost its dominion over us, and we are no longer under the law but under grace. Father, grant us a renewed mind and a heart that seeks holiness and righteousness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Have a peaceful day and be safe.🩷


  1. What can wash away our sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus. A daily washing is required even for sins we are not aware of. It is easy to identify the sins with labels on them which are called the big sins but the little ones are as destructive as the big one. One must make all effort to stay clean which requires daily cleaning. God is faithful and just to forgive of our sins.
    We should all strive to live the overcoming life.
    May the Lord bless and keep us all for His kingdom.
    Blessings always.

  2. Bless the name of Jesus Amen


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