
Bridge the Gap

Good morning

Scripture reading: Ephesians 2:13-22

Worship song: Gracefully Broken



    History recorded that the construction of the Great Wall began between the 7th and 8th centuries B.C., and it took more than 1000 years of hard labor to complete. The Great Wall emerged as the most common emblem of China, erected over centuries by China’s emperors when the warring states built defensive walls to prevent incursions and invaders with the intent that it would ward off enemies from the north and protect their territory. All of us, at some point in our lives, put up defensive walls intended to keep intruders and invaders away, but most times, we trap them in rather than keep them out. Normally, defensive walls are erected after a broken heart and before the healing process is completed. The walls we erected don't protect us; they keep us locked in the prison we have created. We tried desperately to protect ourselves from being hurt by others but often built an isolation escape route. If we surrender all to Jesus, he will not only tear down the walls of defense and separation but mend our broken hearts and grant us his peace. 

Let's pray:

    Dear Heavenly Father, worthy is your name and worthy to be praised. You are God alone from the beginning to the end, matchless in splendor and honor, and so, Abba Father, I give you all the glory. Father, I have tried so often to protect myself and my family but failed to complete the mission because I was not in control. Father, I petition your throne of mercy because you are the Almighty God who is in control, and you only know our fate. Sovereign, omnipresent God, only you can truly protect us from the onslaught of the evil one and deliver us from that which we are spellbound. Almighty God, we look to you as we rise from the ashes of defeat, from brokenness, and the scars that caused us to build a defensive wall of separation. Abba Father, we abandon these prison walls that kept us emotionally bound and ask that you dismantle and pull down every wall inch by inch, mighty God. Lord, release us from that which holds us captive in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a lovely day. Keep safe. 💞🙏




  1. Life is very interesting, fill with many challenges. Having a guide to navigate the many curves and caves is key to coming out on the other side successfully. The every day frustration is meant by the devil to tare one down but with God our faith should be strengthened in the process. It can be frustrating when all things work together for one's good but one does not see it at the beginning. Only a strong relationship with God can withstand the things that are hurled at us. Let us all remember we are in God's care. Let us all keep holding to His unchanging hands. He will be true to His promises.


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