Do You Have Enough Fuel?
Good Morning
Scripture reading: Matthew 25: 1-13
Mediation song: Give Me Oil in My Lamp
Have you ever had the unfortunate experience when the vehicle you are traveling in or driving runs out of fuel, leaving you stranded by the roadway? Better yet, have you encountered a power outage while you are in the middle of an important event, and when you check your backup source, it is out of fuel? If you are among those who have had this experience, it means that you understand what it means to be in a situation of unpreparedness. The bridesmaids waited to meet the bridegroom, but while they waited, the bridegroom delayed longer than they expected. When the bridegroom arrived at midnight, the ten virgins woke up and began to prepare their lamps, but there was a problem. The five foolish virgins ran out of oil and missed the opportunity to go with the bridegroom. The five wise virgins rejoice because they have enough supply of oil.
The oil in our lamp today represents the Holy
Spirit, and we are the lamp in which the Holy Spirit dwells. The wise virgins
are the believers in Christ who are dwelling in God's presence, watching and
waiting patiently for his return. The foolish virgins are those who are
carefree, busy seeking vanity instead of salvation. Instead of running on
empty, connect to the main supply source to keep oil in your lamp. Trim your
lamp daily by spending time in prayer, in the word, praise, and worship. Eph.
5:18-19 encourages us to be filled with the spirit. We ought to speak to
ourselves psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melodies in
our hearts to the Lord.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, Rock of Ages, you are our strong tower, the
solid rock on which we stand. Abba Father, I pray you will bless us with
strength, endurance, and patience to run this race swiftly. I pray, O God, that
our lamps will never run dry and that we will never experience spiritual lack.
Breathe upon us this morning, the breath of life, and fill our lamps with fresh
oil to sustain us daily. Jehovah God, let the power from heaven fall on us, O
Lord, as you pour new wine, new anointing, and Holy Ghost fire in us, mighty
God. Make us an oracle to be used for your glory; make us whatever you want us
to be, mighty God. At times, we get weary, Lord, but help us run this race with
patience and confidence, knowing You are our Victor, our Sustainer, and Giver of
life. Heavenly Father, fill us with your supernatural power to overcome all
obstacles in our path through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. (Child of the
Preparedness is key. It will take more than enough to travel this way. Though the road may rough and the going get tough, we have made the decision to follow Him. We can depend on the Holy Spirit to fill us up with the proportion we need. God bless and keep you.