
Significance of a Map

Good morning

Scripture reading: 2 Timothy 3:8-17

Worship Song: Thy word



    A map is a visual representation of an entire area or part of an area, typically represented on a flat surface, and is used by everyday people for navigation and other useful purposes. Similar to a map, every child of God uses the BIBLE as a guide to navigate through the rough and smooth terrains of our life's journey. God has given us a written revelation about himself, his role, and our purpose in the world which can only be found in the Bible. The scripture was written to help us understand whose we are, what is required of us, and what we will endure for his sake. 

    The Bible is filled with truth, wisdom, exhortation, and encouragement for all God's people. It teaches us to overcome trials and temptation. It is a guide to lead us to our future destination. The BIBLE is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. We can benefit from the counsel and the power of the BIBLE, but we must remember the primary purpose of the Bible is to reveal God, His character, and His desire to have a relationship with the people He created. You can know God's spoken word by reading the BIBLE.

Let us pray:

    Almighty God, this morning, as we glean from your word and as we dine at your banquet table, we ask that you fill us with wisdom and understanding so we can profit from your teachings, that it may reproof, correct, and train us in righteousness. Father, I give thee thanks, O Lord, for your word, written by inspired men to help us navigate life's journey, and I pray that as we partake and feast on your word, we will be competent and equipped for every good work. Almighty God, in times like these, we need the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and keep us in alignment with your word, your will, and your ways. Father, slay our selfish desires, kill our flesh, and help us to seek after your righteousness. Almighty God, we need more of you and less of ourselves, so fill us with Your power, Lord, and dwell in our hearts that we may not sin against you. Lord, I give you thanks, Heavenly Father; I give you thanks for cleansing and redeeming us through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Have a blessed day. 💕🙏


  1. There are many places, distance to cover, corvers and unfamiliar places, therefore a map is essential and more so for our spiritual life. One can get caught up, lost. Also lost of judgment and foresight without the map of the word. Let this map be in our hearts. Shalom.


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