The Kingdom of God
Happy New Year
Praise song: Jesus Love Me
Children are to be seen and not heard are the words I heard ever so often as a child. Children cannot voice their opinions or say anything, especially when adults are speaking. Children are often ignored and sometimes treated as insignificant. Children have needs too, and their purposes in society must be recognized. While Jesus was on His ministering mission on the coast of Judea, parents brought their children for prayer and blessings, but the disciples rebuked them. Maybe they thought that what Jesus was doing was only for the benefit of the adults or maybe they believe children have no need. Jesus, realizing what the disciples were doing intervened. Jesus told the disciples to allow the children to come unto Him, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God. Jesus placed His hands on all the children and blessed them before He departed. All the little children of the world are loved by God and He will not turn any of them away.
Are you keeping the little
children from the house of God? Are you teaching them about Jesus Christ? Do
they know about Jesus and how much He loved and cared for them? Suffer the
little children to come unto Jesus and forbid them not for of such is the
kingdom of heaven.
Let's pray:
Almighty God, I give you thanks that the Lord Jesus Christ
has a special place in His heart for little children. Heavenly Father, Loving
God, Jesus the Christ, I give thee thanks for the words that echo in our ears
as a reminder to suffer the little children to come unto you and forbid them
not for of such is the kingdom of God. Jehovah God, I pray that as parents, we
will not withhold our children from You, but we will bring them up in the
nurture and admonition of You, Lord. Help us, O God to develop the patience
required to deal with the different challenges that we face with our children.
Give us enduring spirits and caring hearts, O God. Guard the hearts and minds
of children and protect them from harmful substances and danger, keep evil far
from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. Please
grant them, O Lord, discernment to recognize truth and deceptions through the
leading of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a wonderful day. 💃💕
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