The Things You Gave Your Heart To
Good Morning
Worship song: Praise His Name
What do you do when the things you gave your all fall apart? What do you do when you have invested all your time and energy in the things you cannot control and end up losing it all? When your heart is broken and darkness is all around, when all you feel is frustration, disappointment, grief, and pain, what do you do? Who do you turn to when the one you love walks away and leaves you bewildered?
When everything falls apart, turn your eyes
upon Jesus Christ. All glory and honour belong to him who loves you without
merit or conditions. When you are weary and frustrated by your losses and pain,
you will find comfort in the God of all comfort, who will comfort you in all
your troubles. When you are left to pick up the broken pieces, remember there
is a friend in Jesus who will wipe your tears away. Give the things you cannot
keep for what you cannot lose. When you give your all to Jesus, the only thing
you lose is that which brings temporary gratification. When everything you gave
your all to falls apart, find refuge in the Lord Jesus, who will never leave
nor forsake you. He knows all about your struggles, so do not be dismayed, for
the Lord God will strengthen you; He will help you and uphold you with his
righteous right hand.
Let us pray:
Merciful Saviour, redeemer and friend, I am grateful that you never gave up on us but waited patiently for us to turn away from the things we so highly esteemed, the things we upheld so dearly. Almighty God, so often we rejected you for temporary gratification, but still you kept your covenant to never leave or forsake us. Lord, you are the only hope for our broken hearts, so we beseech you, Lord, to hear our cry, O God, and attend unto our prayer. Father, when we invest our all in things we cannot control, and when our heart is overwhelmed, lead us to the rock that is higher than us. Lead us, O God, to you, for only you can strengthen, protect, shield, and shelter us in the time of storm. Lord, teach us to trust and abide in you, the God who never loses his power, the eternal God who supplies us with grace and mercies in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a peaceful day. ✌💕🙏
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