Wash and Be Clean
Good morning
Scripture reading: Isaiah 1:16-18
Worship song: Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
In the above verse, the Lord was appealing to the people of Isaiah in Judah. They had rebelled against him and rejected his love, so he invited them to come and have a discussion with him about their scarlet and crimson-stained sin. He likened sin to scarlet and crimson, colors dyed that are not easily removed from the fabric they stain. Scarlet and crimson represent the visibility of a heart that is contaminated and stained with the graffiti of sin. Whereas wool and snow represent a righteous heart purified and cleansed by God. It takes the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ, to purify and cleanse a sinner's heart that is stained with sin. The power of the Lord is demonstrated through purification to emphasize that no sin is beyond God's ability to forgive. The offer of forgiveness, purification, and cleansing was made possible by God and is extended to all humans, justified by Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection.
If we turn to God and accept his offering of cleansing, our sins will be forgiven, and we will be numbered among those who came out of great tribulations who washed their robe and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. God loves sinners and wishes that none perish, but all come to repentance so much that he was moved with compassion and invited the unrighteous to come and reason together about the scarlet and crimson state of their sin. There is nothing that can wash away our sins but the blood of Jesus Christ. No matter how stained we are with sin, once we repent, confess, and turn to God, he will remove our sin-stained garments and pardon all our iniquities.
Let us pray:
Merciful, gracious God, there is no other fount that can wash our sins away; none other can purge us and make us white as snow, so we lay prostrate before you, Lord, and we humbly repent of our evil deeds as we confess all our iniquities. Almighty God, like the psalmist, I beseech you to search us thoroughly, O God, purge us with hyssop, and make us clean: wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow. I plead with you, Lord God, to cleanse us thoroughly from the graffiti of sin, purify our hearts, O God, and change our spotted garments. Forgive us, O God, for stepping outside your will and trespassing against you. Please, Lord, change our heart's condition and renew our mindset. Father, may Your Holy Spirit empower us to live a life that is pleasing to You so we can share Your love and truth with others. Lord, please extend your grace and mercies towards us as we seek to draw closer to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a wonderful day. 🌊💧🙏
There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel vein and sinners plunge beneath that flood loose all their guilt and stains. Thank God for that fountain that never cease to flow. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteAlmighty God, please wash me, cleanse me and purify my vessel to be use as your oracle.